Dato Çhef Wan Dapat Cucu Ke-2 Bernama Isabella Dari Serina Redzuan
Gambar di’atas bukan gambar cucu kedua beliau tetapi ini saat Chef Wan menerima kehadiran Tristan, cucu pertama.
Chef Wan menulis yang gambar cucu kedua beliau akan di’kongsi apabila tiba masanya nanti.
Cucu kedua dari pasangan Serina Redzuan & Gavin ini di’beri nama Isabella dan menurut tulisan Chef Wan, Isabella kali ini lahir tidak mengalami sebarang masalah — sama seperti Tristan sebelum ini.
Bayi yang lahir dengan berat 3.3 kilogram ini di’khabarkan oleh Chef Wan sebagai lebih cerah, mempunyai rambut gelap yang lebih tebal & jari jemari yang panjang & paling ketara mempunyai wajah lebih persis Gavin.
berikut post Chef Wan di FB miliknya
Serina and Gavin just called and she out of the labour room now.The baby is quirt big.bigger than Tristan when he was born.Isabella is 3.3kg, lots of thick dark hair,lebih putih dari Tristan and also have very long beautiful fingers.It was an easy delivery like Tristan and apparently it took just a short labour and 8 pushes! Emmm macam terberak lah pulak bunyi nya!
Syukur Alhamdulilah as my famili es were all there to attend to her and the baby.
So now its time to fit those lovely baju2 anak2 patut into the Dragon Princess.Who would expect they would actually have a baby for tahun baru cina that is not only bila di kira is due exactly Jan23rd and boleh pulak di keluarkan exactly on that date and sihat both of them.
Thank u to Allah once again for his blessing and we will always look after her to be the best untuk agama,bangsa dan negara tercinta.Now Tok Wan nak ke emai tengok all the private photos of the delivery being just sent.hee hee P&C tau.
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Monday, January 23, 2012
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